

Explore the timeless elegance of luxury lighting MOTIF brings from all over the world.

Is Lighting Important for a Room?
Lighting plays a crucial role in interior design, complementing furniture and accessories to shape the ambiance of a space. Whether it’s the form or color of the lighting fixtures, they significantly influence the mood and atmosphere of a room.
How Many Different Types of Lighting?
Appropriate light not only accentuates the finest aspects of a room but also adds depth to its impressive space. Here are 4 types of lighting worth becoming familiar with before entering the lighting stores:
1. Decorative Lighting
Decorative lighting serves primarily aesthetic functions, enhancing its beauty and creating an appealing environment for visitors. Decorative lighting includes wall sconces, pendants, chandeliers, candles, etc. They can be incorporated into any space requiring aesthetic enhancement.
2. Ambient Lighting
Ambient lighting, also referred to as general lighting, illuminates the entire room and sets the mood. It includes ceiling-mounted fixtures like wall sconces, chandeliers, and track lights.
3. Task Lighting
For activities such as reading, studying, or working, task lighting takes center stage, such as table lamps. Task lighting is typically brighter than ambient light, as it’s crucial for providing illumination precisely where it’s needed.
4. Accent Lighting
Accent lighting directs attention to specific features or areas, serving as a spotlight for furniture or accessories you wish to highlight, such as recessed lights, torchère lamps, and floodlights.
Is It Worth It to Invest in Expensive Lighting Fixtures?
When selecting lighting for any space, buyers take into account not only aesthetics and functionality but also pricing. However, expensive lighting fixtures are crafted from top-notch materials, guaranteeing durability over time. Investing in such fixtures is worthwhile for their long-term usage.
How to Choose Luxury Lighting?
The selection of luxury lighting is heavily influenced by both its appearance and quality. It’s important to comprehend the lighting requirements and have a thorough understanding of your space before adding fixtures. You can also expedite the process by visiting lighting stores and seeking guidance from professional interior designers.
At MOTIF, a luxury furniture store in Thailand, we offer comprehensive interior design services, guiding you through the entire process from selecting your favorite pieces to delivering them right to your doorstep.